The UK and Europe: in or out? Take our poll on EU membership
Time for a poll, I think, what with David Cameron throwing the gatto among the piccioni with his planned referendum on membership of the European
Time for a poll, I think, what with David Cameron throwing the gatto among the piccioni with his planned referendum on membership of the European
We had a Twitter conversation a couple of weeks ago about Zodiac signs and the sort of character traits that make for good translators/editors. I
Yesterday’s post was about publishing fees on your website. I’ve had my say, now it’s your turn. Take our poll and let us know what
The Institute of Translation and Interpreting’s 25th Anniversary Conference took place in Birmingham on 7-8 May. It was a fantastic event that gave us all
Here in the UK inflation is still rising and the recent 2.5% increase in Value Added Tax will add to the upwards pressure on prices.
Do you use the Oxford (serial) comma? Here’s a sentence with the Oxford comma: My favourite foods are Greek yoghurt, salted almonds, cheese, and dark
In today’s earlier post I mentioned that The Sunday TImes will be charging users for online access, starting in June 2010. Depending, I assume, on
One of the things I like about Twitter (and there are lots) is that nearly all the translators I follow there seem to love their