We’ve been nominated as one of the Top 100 Language Lovers 2013 in the annual competition organised by LexioPhiles and bab.la. As you can imagine, we’re well pleased!
Nominations remain open until 20 May 2013 (23:59 pm German time). Voting will then run from 22 May until 9 June, with the results being made public on 12 June.
Words to good effect has been nominated in the Language Professionals category: blogs by people using languages in their profession, such as translators or interpreters.
You can also nominate and vote for your favourite Language Learning Blogs, Language Facebook Pages, and Language Twitter accounts.
Take this chance to nominate your favourite Language Lovers, and support LexioPhiles and bab.la in this great initiative.
By Marian Dougan
By Marian Dougan