Top 100 Language Blogs 2012 – the results are in!

“Words to good effect” is one of the winning blogs in the Top 25 Language Professionals Blogs 2012 competition organised by LexioPhiles and Bab.La. We came 11th, and are totally chuffed!

A big Thank You to everyone who voted for us, and to LexioPhiles and Bab.La for organising the competition.

By Marian Dougan

6 responses

  1. Congrats! We ( came third in the same category and we’re over the moon. We’ll be sure to keep an eye on your future blog posts.

  2. Nice work, your blog is inspiring. I would also like to thank you for the TED link on your site, which without you I wouldn’t have discovered! The TED talks videos are great. Keep up the good work. Cheers.

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