The UK’s sexiest accent? Parliamo Glasgow

In a survey by the Travelodge hotel group, 5000 Brits voted the Geordie accent (Newcastle and the north-east) the nation’s sexiest. They clearly don’t appreciate the finer tones in life:

“Bahookie”, by the way, is a Scottish word for your bottom, behind, backside, or “rearward contours”. One look at the Glaswegians thronging the city streets on a Saturday afternoon and you can see how apt a word it is. Parisiennes have “derrières”, Glaswegians have “bahookies”. Such is life.

The sketch is from the wonderful Stanley Baxter’s “Parliamo Glasgow”.

By Marian Dougan

7 responses

  1. Just visited your blog for the first time.
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    These remane imporetant isuess, if you dont mind me saying so, but too many people are’nt realy paying enough atention or seem to bother.
    Ignore proper sintax and speling at your pearl, that’s what I say.
    Staying litirate will pay dividends in due coarse.

  2. Hahaha love this clip! Reminds me of all my Pappi’s favourite jokes: “era pear ower er”-“where?” – “ona ster!” will look forward to reading more posts!

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