Ministry of Justice language services: FUBAR?

Interpreters in the UK have been up in arms over the Ministry of Justice’s 2011 language services framework agreement with a company formerly called Applied Language Solutions (ALS). The service in question was court interpreting.

The National Audit Office has now published the results of its investigation into the contracting out of language services in the justice system, and the House of Commons Public Accounts Committee discussed the matter yesterday, 15 October 2012.

Download the National Audit Office report on Ministry of Justice language services contract (pdf, 352KB)

Watch the meeting of the House of Commons Public Accounts Committee on Ministry of Justice Language Services.

I can think of quite a few Italian public sector organisations who have made just as much as — nay, more of — a mess of their language-service outsourcing. At significant cost to the public accounts and to the quality of their communications.

I’m sure they know who they are. But do they care?

By the way: FUBAR is military slang for “fucked up beyond all reason”.

By Marian Dougan

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