Listen to music while you work? Take our poll and let us know!

Yesterday’s guest post, Language, music, and me, by Elisa Bonora, was about listening to music while you work. It sparked quite a discussion on Twitter, between those, like Elisa, who find music an inspiration and those, like me, who (sadly) find it a distraction.

What about you? Take our poll and let us know. And if you’ve got time, let us know your favourite “music while you work” tracks in the comments. Thanks!

[polldaddy poll=3210224]

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2 responses

  1. I find background music distracting while I am working because I want to focus on it and this takes away from the 100% focus (hopefully) that I am giving to my work. However, in regular tea breaks, I like to turn on a French radio channel (France Inter/Culture) to keep my brain accustomed to my source language. Also, this keeps me up-to-date with goings-on in France. It also requires 100% focus, so forget about savouring the tea in your hand: that’s simply an energy boost!

    1. Thanks James. Ah, what would we do without tea? I find it keeps me going better than coffee (apart from breakfast time, when coffee – and lots of it – is a must). There’s a radio discussion programme (Shereen Nanjiani on Radio Scotland) that I love to listen to on Saturday mornings. I need to focus on it 100% – not that it’s difficult to follow, it’s just the way my brain works: I find to hard to focus on words while doing something else. So if I’m reading in bed, I can’t have the radio on, and if I’m listening to the radio, I can’t read at the same time.

      Renate Fitzroy, a German translator based in Scotland, sent me a link to Radio Swiss Classic the other day – available in German, French and Italian (though I don’t think there’s much talk). I really should follow your example and listen to Italian radio.

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