Fit for…

I had a bad cold last week and had to miss my exercise classes and walks (I’ve given up jogging as it’s murder on my knees and too much like hard work). I’m a member of the gym at Glasgow University’s Garscube Complex and greatly enjoy the classes. It’s probably a combination of good instructors (Kerry, Dave, Michelle and Pilates Kerry), classes that suit me (muscle tone, core balls and Pilates), and the gym itself – the exercise studio is large and airy, with huge windows looking out onto parkland (a bit muddy at present. Oh, well). Anyway, I’m looking forward to starting back today.

Fitness experts tell us that the benefits of exercise are mental and psychological as well as physical. I certainly feel more alert and effective when I exercise regularly: more finely-tuned. The smug air of self-righteous virtue I inflict on the family is the only downside. (Or maybe it’s an added bonus…).

Attending classes also helps me manage my time more effectively – it gives a framework to my working days. Knowing I have a whole unbroken day ahead tempts me into faffing – too much time on Twitter, too many intriguing links followed and so on. But knowing that at 11.50 I’ve got to jump up from the desk and head for the gym gives me a mid-day “deadline” that focuses my mind (a bit) more on the tasks at hand.

So exercise not just as a fitness improver, inch-whittler, mood enhancer and brain booster, but also as a time management tool. What’s not to love?

By Marian Dougan

2 responses

  1. We here at Sport & Recreation are happy to hear exercise is being used as such an effective time management tool! Our service promotes exercise not only as a way to stay fit and tone but also an appropriate wellbeing and life balance tool that keeps you motivated and improving on many things in life. We’re very glad the classes do provide that for you!

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