A really useful message has just popped into my inbox from the Terminology Coordination Unit (TermCoord) at the European Parliament. Very timely, as I’ve just been up-dating my own resources page.
Here’s what TermCoord’s message contained:
Glossary Links. A glossary search tool with a database of almost 1,400 glossaries available online. All the links in the glossary search tool are regularly checked and updated by TermCoord in terms of relevancy and reliability. You can now find glossaries according to topics and by language.
DocHound – Reference found! A one-stop shop of links to useful document resources of the EU Institutions all gathered at one single place.
More direct and easier access to IATE:
Widgets you can upload to your websites or blogs to give visitors of your sites direct access to IATE and enable them to search for terms directly from your site.
Browser extensions/add-ons giving direct access to IATE through your web browsers.
I reckon DocHound in particular will be invaluable, certainly in my subject areas. What do you think, folks – useful material?
By Marian Dougan
2 responses
Thank you so much for your blog. I love the way you keep it simple and brief; really useful and practical these hectic days. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks, Tatiana – I really appreciate your comment! I do try to keep things brief – there are so many good blogs out there but some of the posts are so long, I end up not reading them. So I try to keep mine short and (hopefully) sweet.