Why do some business people go to such great lengths, on social networking sites, to avoid telling people who they are and what they do? Or to convey such a whimsical image of themselves on serious business platforms?
I’ve just been up-dating my profile on KILTR, a social networking site for Scots or people who have connections or an affinity with Scotland. The job-titles of suggested contacts included a Fire-Starter, a Chief Pixel and a Top Boy. Cringe!
Equally bad are listings that consist of just a name, with no photo, job title or company name. Or a generic title such as “Director”, with no indication of what said Director’s company does or which sector it operates in. On many networking sites, you only get to see members’ full profiles once you’ve made the connection — so we really should take the time to write informative listings.
In fact, having seen so many “Directors” on KILTR, I quickly revised my own listing so that it will, I hope, give people a better idea of what I actually do.
And don’t get me started on Twitter users with protected tweets.
We’re all busy, and there are lots of social networking sites competing for our time and attention. So let’s get to the point and convey direct, clear information. And stop wasting fellow users’ time.
Rant over — normal service will soon be resumed.
By Marian Dougan
7 responses
What a refreshing perspective, Marian. I do so value straightforward and direct information about who people are and what they do. Maybe I’m just getting old and and not with it – but I like to establish who I’m dealing with and then “get on with it”. I’m sure this is just as important in social media as it is face to face. Thanks for saying it.
Thanks, Paul. Keeping up with all the social media channels is time-consuming enough, without having to solve all these “contact mysteries”.
You and Paul are sooooo right! It irks me no end when someone follows you on Tweeter and then you find out they have protected tweets… I simply move on – no time to waste.
I know! I don’t understand their concept of what Twitter’s all about. Surely there must be better places online for closed circles of contacts?
I don’t remember ever having replied to this, for which I truly, truly apologize, it’s so not like me. Indeed, I still get a couple of these “followers”. If I have to ask their acceptance to me following them, I simply forget about them and move on. I simply don’t get their point. Have a nice weekend!
Thanks Nelida – and no need to apologise. Yes, it’s an odd way to use Twitter. Enjoy your weekend!
Excellent points – what a great rant! I’ve updated my KILTR profile as a result (guilty of the same offence), and have similar reactions to Twitter eggs, protected tweets and faceless LinkedIn profiles :-(